Guests have a two bedroom cabin on Lisianski Inlet. The bedrooms are each furnished with a full/twin bunkbed and bedding. There is cold running water to the kitchen and bathroom sinks and toilet. Complete cooking facilities allow you independence and privacy. Courtesy transportation to Pelican is furnished.

An executive bedroom is available at the main house with a separate private bath.

inners at the main house are complemented by the spectacular view of Lisianski Inlet. This is a great place to relax and relive the day’s moments whether they be landing a big king salmon or watching whales breech.



The Wheel Watch Lodge, Paddle House, and Highliner Lodge are all centrally located in Pelican overlooking the boat harbor, inlet and mountains. They have gorgeous views!
Each of the forementioned businesses can be found on the Pelican Chamber of Commerce web site, If you think you might want to stay in Pelican then we will pay 25% your room charges!


- Website Created by: Caleb Dezign